$15.00 Adults $10.00 Ages 12-17
May 5
June 9 – Tri-State
August 3 & 4 – 2 day shoot – $20.00 adults $10.00 Ages 12-17
The Conway Sportsman’s Club Archery Program dates back to 1974 when there were several dedicated archers, Bud Ware, Dave Jackman and many others, who were inspired by the then local archery guru, Jon Clark. They soon met similar kinfolk from Bennington, Vermont. Bud Ware made the formal introductions. Howard Lewis of the Bennington Club, now deceased, was interested in starting a league simpler in structure than the NFAA. The Conway group invited the Bennington archers to join them for an evening of indoor shooting at the grounds pavilion. Following the informal meet, it was decided to start a league now known as the Tri-State. Howard Lewis was most instrumental in attracting several other clubs to join both Conway and Bennington. Original clubs included N. Troy, NY, Salem, NY, Greylock and Lee, in addition to Bennington and Conway.
Originally the Conway shoots began as a 7 target course constructed of paper targets affixed to excelsior bales. With the success of the shoots the course grew exponentially and over time became a 20 target course. Later on, new members Ralph Osgood, Bud Lively and Kevin McDonald were empowered with running and building the course. Eventually, the paper targets were replaced with 3-D foam targets, which are similar to the type of target used today at our current shoots.
Archery at the Conway Sportsman’s Club and within the Tri-State League in general has always been a family sport. Many have been involved over the years and countless hours have been spent organizing and running the Club shoots. These shoots would not have been possible without the dedication of many club members, their spouses and their children who also volunteered invaluable time and effort over the years. This concept is still of utmost importance today. Our youth are the future of the sport.
Archery became so popular that several more leagues popped up and were established in the area. Some new clubs joined the Tri-State and others withdrew. Competition for shooters became an issue and with lack of support, the Conway Sportsman’s Club at one point withdrew from the league. There was an 8 year period where Conway did not provide archery shoots open to the public. However, new members have since joined and with a passion for archery were determined to bring back 3-D archery to the Conway Sportsman’s Club, and more importantly, rejoin the Tri-State League in its rightful place. Since rejoining the League in 2003 we have held 3 Tri-State League sponsored 3-D shoots per year.
Rules, Cost, and General Information:
The Club course currently is designed for 30 targets on the front half. We are in the process of creating another 25-30 targets on the back half allowing us the capability to change the course each time. Both sides are negotiable on foot and/or drivable with an ATV for those who are unable to walk the course. Retrieving an arrow from the target still requires an able bodied person to walk from the shooting stakes to the target. There are 5 shooting stakes at each station. Archers compete within their class at each designated shooting stake dependent upon age group and equipment. In addition to the improvements of the 3-D range, a practice range has been constructed with 10, 20, 30 and 40 yard target butts, which are ready for use year round. Our current shoots provide medals for kids and fun for all. Food is available at all shoots.
Registration: 7am-11am
- Adult $15
- Youth ages 10-14 is $10.
- Cubs 9-under are free.
Special or Benefit shoots are subject to a higher cost.
ATV’s may be used, however all operators must adhere to all Ma. Regulations regarding the use of recreational vehicles.